I ran into an older man the other night, sitting alone at a table in a restaurant. I had seen this man before, sitting at his table reading his book. For some reason, before I realized it, my feet were moving, I was walking to his table. Our conversation flowed so naturally and came so easy. This old man shared his story with me. His wife of 57 years had just passed and the emptiness and ache in his heart was almost palatable. He told me about how he asked her to the junior prom in 1946, and how they lost their only daughter in a car accident.
When we finished talking I had a mist in my eyes as I walked away. When I turned back around, I saw him wipe the corners of his own eyes. I was so deeply touched by how deeply this man loved, and how interwoven this man's heart was with his beloved. I'm sure he was moved by having someone to share his story with.
He said something that resonated in my heart. "Don't miss a single moment with those you love. Because the time goes by so fast." I know this is true. It seems like just the other day my children were all little. I thought the terrible twos would last forever, but they went by in the blink of an eye.
Enjoy every day. Every precious gift of time The days may be long, but the years are so short.