We ask God daily to protect our child from harm, to help them overcome an obstacle they may be facing, and to give us the wisdom to direct them in God-honoring ways. These petitions we bring before the Lord are the "in the trenches" now issues that we see happening in our child's life. I want to encourage you to pray also for your child's future. We can impact our child's life in a dramatic way. Praying for your child's future son or daughter's spouse, is one of the most rewarding things you can do.
No matter what age your child is, they are never too young or too old to start praying. Praying releases our fears and need for control over circumstances that are out of our hands. Praying puts God on the throne, (where he never left by the way), and keeps our focus where it should be.
If you are unsure of how to pray for your child's future spouse, here are some ideas to get you started:
Pray that God reveals himself to him or her through circumstances or through another person. Ask God to put people in their path to model and help them develop Godly character traits.
Pray that they would have at least one Godly woman in their life. A woman that will model compassion, love and grace in their life. A tender woman will leave an imprint on a young boy and will alter the way he views, treats and feels toward women. A loving woman will deepen his capacity to love.
Pray that your son's future bride has a father that thinks the world of her. Pray that he is strong, wise and forgiving. Pray that their relationship would be close and loving.
Pray that God would use all circumstances for his good.
Pray for their safety from emotional and physical harm. Pray for the obstacles that they face to be moments of growth moving them closer to God.
Pray that your child's spouse will love your child unconditionally. Pray that they will see your child's strengths and have grace for their weaknesses.
May I encourage you to write these prayers down. What a beautiful gift you can give to your son-in law, or daughter-in law, on their wedding day. they will be able to see in black and white the power of God's presence and hand in their life.
photographer: Hilary Probst