Superwoman moved into my house, and I can't get her to leave. I'm pretty sure she has always been there, but lately she's been getting on my nerves and her super powers are weakening. I have already searched the house for hidden kryptonite, but I think the reality is, that superwoman is just worn out. Does this sound familiar?
I pick up projects like a squirrel picks up nuts to store for the winter. And as my mom says, "if you want something done, ask a busy person." And they ask.,,,and ask,,,,and ask.
I can do a lot, so usually I do. I like being the person who can pull off anything. However; just because I can, doesn't mean I should. I'm going to be busy by nature. I have five kids. (and lady's I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but just because your children are young adults, doesn't mean your job gets easier.) I also have two grandchildren and my parents are 85. I am in demand, and I can only spread myself so far.
There are broken cars, broken bones and broken hearts aplenty. There is making dinner, making costumes, and making time to talk. There is driving to karate, driving to school and driving to rehearsal. Before I have said "yes" to anything else, I'm BUSY! And let's face it, who else is going to do it? Who can do it? It's a "mom thing".
I have had to cut a lot of things out of my life. I spend less time sharing coffee with a friend, less time relaxing and reading a good book, and happy hour at a restaurant? Forget it! My happy hour is when my head hits the pillow!
People's advice to an over busy mom's schedule is to say no, more. But sometimes we are busy without even getting to the things we can say "no" to. I am thinking part of the solution is to delegate more. Put the task in other capable hands and then let it go. Because it's a "mom" thing doesn't mean a sibling can't do it for them. Because my parents need help doesn't mean I can't ask my children to help them. I guess I have just been so busy doing, I forgot to notice that my kids, at any age, can help. Ironically, when they were much younger, I actually had them doing more! They read stories to the younger ones, helped with homework, and cooked a meal.
Superwoman is going to get some much needed rest, and she is going to call in the justice league for help. I'll let you know how well that goes.......